Sudah sejak September 2010 lalu, anggota parlemen Eropa asal Italia, Licia Ronzulli membawa anaknya ke tempat kerja. Si anak pun ikut hadir di sidang-sidang penting parlemen Eropa, saat ibunya harus memberi suara.
Member of the European Parliament Ronzulli of Italy holds her baby during a voting session at the European Parliament. Do you think the baby is objecting?
Member of the European Parliament Ronzulli of Italy holds her baby during a voting session at the European Parliament
Member of the European Parliament Ronzulli of Italy holds her baby during a voting session at the European Parliament
Member of the European Parliament Ronzulli of Italy holds her baby during a voting session at the European Parliament
Member of the European Parliament Ronzulli of Italy holds her baby during a voting session at the European Parliament
 Member of the European Parliament Ronzulli of Italy holds her baby during a voting session at the European Parliament
Italian Member of the European Parliament Licia Ronzulli takes part in a vote as she cradles her baby at the European Parliament in Strasbourg eastern France Wednesday

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