These amazing paintings were done by an artist named Esref Armagan who was born blind. He paints using a Braille stylus and his fingers without any help whatsoever. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries all over Europe. He has painted portraits of the Turkish president and other officials.

The story of this blind artist is extraordinary and unbelievable. Professional CPA with a photographic memory, Lisa Fittipaldi lost her vision due to a vascular disease in 1993. She lost her job too, but overcame blindness and began painting in 1995. Her paintings are so colorful and bright; it’s hard to believe that they were drawn by a blind person who can’t even see colors or distance. The main challenge to Lisa was when she was told she could never create complex scenes of everyday life with people as main characters. But she managed to do so, and today her paintings are exhibited in museums and galleries around the world. Fittipaldi is a unique artist with an amazing inner vision. You can judge for yourself after the jump.

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Amazing Paintings of a Blind Artist (10 pics)

Even the first and superficial acquaintance with the work and the life of Dmitri Didorenko is astonishing.
By looking at his paintings, it is hard to believe that he is blind. But this is true ...

1 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

2 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

3 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

4 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

5 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

6 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

7 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

8 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

9 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

10 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

11 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

12 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

13 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

14 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

15 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

16 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

17 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

18 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

19 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

20 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

21 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

22 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

23 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

24 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

25 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

26 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

27 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

28 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

29 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)

30 Pictures by blind painter (30 pics)