Carnage: The wreckage of some of the vehicles involved in Friday evening's accident on the M5 in Somerset. It was the worst crash on Britain's roads in 20 years

Telah terjadi kecelakaan mengerikan di jalan tol, Taunton, Somerset, Inggris melibatkan 34 kendaraan yang merenggut 7 jiwa dan melukai 51 orang. Tragis!

Menurut Dailymail, Minggu (6/11), kecelakaan tersebut dipicu oleh asap hitam di ruas jalan M5 yang menyebabkan jarak pandangan pengemudi terganggu. Sementara di jalan tol, rata-rata mobil melaju pada kecepatan tinggi.

Situasi makin parah karena dua truk besar ikut menabrak pengguna jalan lain. Saksi mata yang selamat mengatakan, melihat ada mobil terjebak di kolong truk dan mengakibatkan korban terjepit. Ambulans dan penyelamat darurat datang dengan cepat yang berhasil menyelamatkan banyak korban.

"Ini kejadian terburuk yang tak pernah terbayangkan," tutur salah seorang saksi mata kejadian. Setelah penelitian singkat, kabut dan asap hitam diduga muncul karena letupan kembang api pada acara Taunton Rugby Club. Volume asap terkumpul besar menutupi bagian jalan M5 menyebabkan pengemudi terganggu. Karena kecelakaan ini, masyarakat langsung menyorot masalah keamanan jalan raya di Inggris.

Jadi, pengawas jalan tol harus hati-hati dengan situasi di sekitar jalan tol. Di Indonesia, bisa saja orang membakar rumput atau sampah!

Ablaze: Survivor Rob Emony took these images of Friday's carnage moments after it took place

Ablaze: Survivor Rob Emony took these images of Friday's carnage moments after it took place

Smashed: The rear of a lorry bbillows black smoke and flame into the night sky while the destroyed rear of one vehicle is clearly visible

Smashed: The rear of a lorry bbillows black smoke and flame into the night sky while the destroyed rear of one vehicle is clearly visible

Jack-knifed: One of the crashed lorries blocked the carriage way

Jack-knifed: One of the crashed lorries blocked the carriage way

Mangled: The vehicles destroyed by the fire which engulfed the motorway on Friday night after the multiple crash

Mangled: The vehicles destroyed by the fire which engulfed the motorway on Friday night after the multiple crash

All that's left: Three emergency workers at the scene of some of the vehicles burned into twisted metal by the flames

All that's left: Three emergency workers at the scene of some of the vehicles burned into twisted metal

Horror: A burnt out lorry and several cars can be seen littering the carriageway on the M5

Horror: A burnt out lorry and several cars can be seen littering the carriageway on the M5

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