A schoolboy by the name of Redvers Stoke has been crowned, quite literally, the queen of Sticker, Cornwall. What is the world coming to?
At only 12, Stoke entered and won his local drag queen competition, defeating men three times his age.
According to Stoke he has been dressing up in women’s clothing since primary school, but his parents only found out after he had won the competition.
Stoke sees nothing wrong with his “hobby,” calling it “funny” and just something that he does. He won the competition by transforming into “Naughty Nora” and wearing his mother’s pink dress, an outrageous white haired wig, lots of make up, high heels and some costume jewelry.
He also belted out some country western songs and a Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Now Naughty Nora is in demand at events around town and his parents couldn’t be prouder.