Boeing 787

Boeing 787 Dreamliner yang super keren itu lahir dengan sentuhan insinyur asal Indonesia. Bagaimana tidak, ada 4 insinyur yang terlibat dalam pembuatan burung besi keluaran terbaru perusahaan pesawat asal AS, Boeing, itu.

"Di Boeing ada sekitar 32 orang lebih orang Indonesia. Yang di 787 Dreamliner itu ada sekitar 4 orang dari Indonesia," ujar salah satu insinyur asal RI yang terlibat dalam pembuatan 787 Dreamliner, Bram Djermani, dalam perbincangan dengan detikcom, Rabu (5/10/2011).

Bram bergabung dengan tim bagian produksi. Sedangkan 3 insinyur Indonesia lainnya bergabung dengan tim planning engineer, liaison engineer dan stress engineer. Mereka bersama hampir 500 orang lainnya dipercaya Boeing untuk terlibat dalam pembuatan hingga pengiriman pesawat.

"Saya gabung dengan Boeing 4 tahun lalu, dan langsung involve di Dreamliner. Jadi sejak pesawat pertama (Dreamliner) hingga yang sekarang ini," tutur pria kelahiran Jerman ini.

An artist's impression of the interior of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Dengan fasih, Bram menuturkan keunggulan pesawat ini dibanding pesawat-pesawat lainnya. Dia menyebut Dreamliner 787 terbuat dari komposit sehingga lebih ringan dari pesawat kebanyakan. Selain itu pesawat didesain agar irit bahan bakar. Dibanding pesawat lainnya, Dreamliner 787 lebih irit pemakaian bahan bakar hingga 20 persen.

"Penumpang yang naik juga tidak cepat capek karena lebih lembab," sambung ayah 3 anak ini.

Jendela Dreamliner 787 menggunakan kaca gelap, sehingga penumpang tidak akan silau dengan cahaya matahari dari luar yang menerobos ke pesawat. Tak hanya itu, para penumpang juga dimanjakan televisi Panasonic layar sentuh yang berbasis Android.

Langit-langit pesawat pun didesai tak kalah keren. Warna langit-langit bisa berubah-ubah sesuai keadaan langit. Jika matahari baru terbit, warna langit-langit pesawat berubah warna dari oranye menjadi biru. Penumpang semakin dimanjakan dengan adanya bar dalam tubuh pesawat sepanjang 58 meter tersebut.

"Di Boeing ada banyak orang dari berbagai negara. Kami bangga bisa terlibat di sini, mampu bersaing dengan orang-orang dari luar lainnya. Tapi kami tidak kehilangan nasionalisme," sambung Bram yang berharap suatu saat industri pesawat Indonesia mampu bangkit dan bersaing dengan produk serupa dari negara lainnya.


Boeing 787 Dreamliner

The Boeing 787 Dreamliner takes off on the first of many test flights it will need to complete to obtain the necessary Federal Aviation Administration certification

Employees cheering

Employees cheer as the Dreamliner takes off for the first time

Dreamliner interior

The impressive interior of the Dreamliner, which features larger toilets for passengers' increased comfort


The entryway to the 787 has been designed with arches aimed at directing the eye upwards

Behind schedule: Boeing employees hold their scarves up as All Nippon Airways received their first 787

Behind schedule: Boeing employees hold their scarves up as All Nippon Airways received their first 787

Unveiled: Boeing rolls out the All Nippon Airways with employees looking on

Unveiled: Boeing rolls out the All Nippon Airways with employees looking on

Salute: Blue and white scarves held aloft saying 'We fly 1st'

Salute: Blue and white scarves held aloft saying 'We fly 1st'

Seeing it off: Hundreds of Boeing employees gather near a Boeing 787 Dreamliner during the ceremony

Seeing it off: Hundreds of Boeing employees gather near a Boeing 787 Dreamliner during the ceremony

New era: Employees walk around All Nippon Airway's first 787 in Everett, Washington

New era: Employees walk around All Nippon Airway's first 787 in Everett, Washington

All Nippon Airways is the first airline to take delivery of the hi-tech new plane - the first large-scale commercial jetliner to be built from composite materials, not aluminium

All Nippon Airways is the first airline to take delivery of the hi-tech new plane - the first large-scale commercial jetliner to be built from composite materials, not aluminium

The hi-tech new aircraft seats 250-290 and offers increased comfort - the air inside is less dry than comparable jets, and First Class passengers will enjoy entertainment on 17-inch touchscreens

The hi-tech new aircraft seats 250-290 and offers increased comfort - the air inside is less dry than comparable jets, and First Class passengers will enjoy entertainment on 17-inch touchscreens

Workers inspect the first production models of the 787 Dreamliner - with fuselage assembled from composite sections rather than huge numbers of aluminium sheets

Workers inspect the first production models of the 787 Dreamliner - with fuselage assembled from composite sections rather than huge numbers of aluminium sheets

One of the components that gives the 787 Dreamliner its extraordinary range and fuel economy - 20 per cent less than other equivalent aircraft - are its engines, hi-tech new models made by Rolls Royce.

One of the components that gives the 787 Dreamliner its extraordinary range and fuel economy - 20 per cent less than other equivalent aircraft - are its engines, hi-tech new models made by Rolls Royce.

All passengers will enjoy hi-tech entertainment courtesy of an iPad-like Android tablet built into the back of every seat

All passengers will enjoy hi-tech entertainment courtesy of an iPad-like Android tablet built into the back of every seat

The techniques used to create the 787 Dreamliner have eliminated the need for multiple aluminium sheets and up to 50,000 fasteners

The techniques used to create the 787 Dreamliner have eliminated the need for multiple aluminium sheets and up to 50,000 fasteners

Some of the aircraft's 20 per cent fuel efficiency gains are thanks to extensive wind-tunnel testing at facilities including Britain's Farnborough air base

Some of the aircraft's 20 per cent fuel efficiency gains are thanks to extensive wind-tunnel testing at facilities including Britain's Farnborough air base

Analysts have speculated that the huge delays in delivering the hi-tech new jet could mean Boeing will not turn a profit until 2020

Analysts have speculated that the huge delays in delivering the hi-tech new jet could mean Boeing will not turn a profit until 2020

A makeshift sign shows a ramp leading to the first 787 has been hastily converted from '777' - an earlier, less efficient Boeing model

A makeshift sign shows a ramp leading to the first 787 has been hastily converted from '777' - an earlier, less efficient Boeing model

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