Powerful: A false colour image of the Chaiten volcano in Chile shows dramatic plumes of smoke and ash climbing into the sky

Powerful: A false colour image of the Chaiten volcano in Chile shows dramatic plumes of smoke and ash climbing into the sky

Spectacular: In Alaska, Mount Cleveland shows its force during an eruption captured by the International Space Station

Spectacular: In Alaska, Mount Cleveland shows its force during an eruption captured by the International Space Station

Up in smoke: Another stunning satellite image shows smoke coming from Mount Etna, on the eastern part of Sicily

Up in smoke: Another stunning satellite image shows smoke coming from Mount Etna, on the eastern part of Sicily

Force of nature: A NASA image of Papa New Guinea's Manam Volcano shows more of the destructive side of our planet

Force of nature: A NASA image of Papa New Guinea's Manam Volcano shows more of the destructive side of our planet