Horror: The moment strong winds caused the stage rigging for the outdoor concert to collapse at the fairground in Indianapolis

Horror: The moment strong winds caused the stage rigging for the outdoor concert to collapse at the fairground in Indianapolis

Ini adalah saat yang mengerikan dimana sebuah panggung runtuh diterpa badai di Indiana State Fair, Indianapolis, menewaskan sedikitnya empat orang dan melukai puluhan lainnya.

Para fans berteriak histeris setelah angin kencang menyebabkan tali-temali panggung untuk konser outdoor runtuh di atas mereka sesaat sebelum sebuah band musik country hendak tampil.

Para petugas darurat langsung menuju ke tempat kejadian untuk menyelamatkan para korban yang umumnya terperangkap dibawah panggung yang runtuh, serta mengobati korban yang luka-luka.

Ribuan penonton konser kemudian dievakuasi ke sebuah gedung di dekatnya karena angin kencang yang mencapai 60 mil/jam (96km /jam) yang menyebabkan panggung tersebut runtuh.

Ominous: Fans try desperately to flee as the stage suddenly crumbles above them

Ominous: Fans try desperately to flee as the stage suddenly crumbles above them

Down: The rigging falls directly on top of the hopeless fans who tried to get away

Down: The rigging falls directly on top of the hopeless fans who tried to get away

Trapped: The stage falls on top of the people who were trying to run away

Trapped: The stage falls on top of the people who were trying to run away

Serious incident: The stage fell just before country duo Sugarland were scheduled to perform

Serious incident: The stage fell just before country duo Sugarland were scheduled to perform

Panic: Fans waiting to see Sugarland run away after high winds blew the stage over

Panic: Fans waiting to see Sugarland run away after high winds blew the stage over

Rescue: Emergency crews were called to the scene and workers and set up a command centre to tend to those who were injured

Rescue: Emergency crews were called to the scene and workers and set up a command centre to tend to those who were injured

The morning after: The stage lies a crumbled mess this morning after last night's collapse

The morning after: The stage lies a crumbled mess this morning after last night's collapse

Clear up: Labourers have been hard at work, clearing up the mess at the concert site

Clear up: Labourers have been hard at work, clearing up the mess at the concert site

sumber :http://berita.manadotoday.com/video-momen-mengerikan-sebuah-panggung-musik-roboh-dan-menewaskan-4-orang/