Mr Haziq still has facial swelling after the attack and can be seen missing several front teeth after having his jaw broken

Injuries: Mr Haziq still has facial swelling after the attack and can be seen missing several front teeth after having his jaw broker

Jutaan orang telah melihat rekaman video yang diunggah ke YouTube mengenai seorang pemuda yang terluka sedang dirampok oleh beberapa orang di London. Banyak warga London bersimpati pada pemuda malang yang ternyata adalah warga Malaysia yang mendapatkan beasiswa di Inggris.

Ashraf Haziq, pemuda berumur 20 tahun itu baru tiba di Inggris bulan lalu. Saat kejadian, mahasiswa akuntansi itu sedang mengayuh sepedanya untuk membeli makanan buat berbuka puasa ketika dirinya diserang oleh sekelompok anak muda di daerah Barking, sebelah timur London.

Sepedanya dibawa lari oleh seorang anak laki-laki yang menurut Haziq berumur sekitar 12 tahun. Sementara yang lainnya merebut telepon selulernya. Haziq kemudian dianiaya oleh kelompok pemuda bersenjatakan pisau itu. Haziq pun tak sadarkan diri setelah dipukuli dan ditendang.

"Mereka mengancam akan menikam saya," ujarnya dalam vido yang diposting di YouTube seperti dilansir Sydney Morning Herald, Kamis (11/8/2011).

"Beberapa dari mereka masih sangat muda dan kemungkinan masih di Sekolah Dasar," tuturnya.

Recovering: Mr Haziq, a Malaysian first year accounting student from Barking, is seen at Royal London Hospital, where he is awaiting surgery on a broken jaw

Recovering: Mr Haziq is seen in his hospital bed at Royal London Hospital, where he is awaiting surgery on a broken jaw after the sickening attack

Ashraf Haziq, 20 outside his home in Klang Valley, MalaysiaMohammed Ashraf Haziq, 20 and his 8 year old brother Mohammed Fatiri

Riot victim: Accountancy student Mohammed Ashraf Haziq, 20, had only arrived in Britain a month ago. Here he is pictured at home in Malaysia. Right he is sitting with his eight-year-old brother Mohammed Fatiri

Ketika tersadar, Haziq yang berdarah-darah mendapati dirinya telah dikerumuni sekelompok orang. Dia pun dibantu untuk berdiri oleh seorang pria namun kemudian pria-pria lainnya membuka tas ranselnya dan membawa kabur barang-barangnya termasuk game console Sony PSP.

Adegan perampokan itulah yang diunggah ke YouTube dan telah menjadi sensasi internet di mana sekitar dua juta orang telah melihatnya dalam beberapa hari saja.

Dzuhair Hanafiah, ketua organisasi yang mengurus warga Malaysia di London, mengatakan pada BBC bahwa Haziq ditolong oleh seorang wanita lokal yang membawanya ke rumahnya. Wanita Inggris itu berhasil menghubungi seorang teman Haziq lewat Facebook-nya, yang kemudian datang dan menjemput Hazjiq.

Dikatakan Hanafiah, Haziq akan menjalani operasi untuk memperbaiki rahangnya yang patah akibat penyerangan sekelompok orang tersebut. Haziq akan dioperasi di rumah sakit Royal London Hospital.

Menurut hanafiah, Haziq kaget atas apa yang dialaminya dan ingin agar keadilan ditegakkan. "Dia ingin keadilan ditegakkan. Dia harap polisi akan bertindak. Tak ada barang-barang miliknya yang ditemukan," kata Hanafiah.

Dazed and confused, blood dripping from his mouth, Ashraf Haziq is encircled by thugs after being savagely beaten to the ground during the violence in London

Dazed and confused, blood dripping from his mouth, Ashraf Haziq is encircled by thugs after being savagely beaten to the ground during the violence in London

From nowhere, an apparent Good Samaritan walks up and lends a hand to help heave the struggling and injured victim up from the pavement

From nowhere, an apparent Good Samaritan walks up and lends a hand to help heave the struggling and injured victim up from the pavement

Lowest of the low: The teenager continues to tend to the wounds on his face as thieves make off with the contents of his rucksack

Lowest of the low: The teenager continues to tend to the wounds on his face as thieves make off with the contents of his rucksack

Lawless: A robber shamelessly rifles through the teenager's bag as the young man stands bleeding from the face

Lawless: A robber shamelessly rifles through the teenager's bag as the young man stands bleeding from the face

The robber, having taken the items from the teen's bag, then casually throws them to the floor before strolling away

Discarded: The robber, having taken the items from the teenager's bag, then casually throws them to the floor before strolling away

Aftermath: Mr Haziq is caught on camera moments later, standing confused and alone at the side of the street

Aftermath: Mr Haziq is caught on camera moments later, standing confused and alone at the side of the street

Campaign: A website has been set up in the hope of gathering donations to make a gesture towards Ashraf Haziq after the ordeal he went through

Campaign: A website has been set up in the hope of gathering donations to make a gesture towards Ashraf Haziq after the ordeal he went through

Getting better: Mr Haziq is being treated at Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, following the attack

Getting better: Mr Haziq is being treated at Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, following the attack

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