Unique: Extra nipples are usually found above the bellybutton, and doctors say it's the first time they have ever seen one on somebody's foot

Unique: Extra nipples are usually found above the bellybutton, and doctors say it's the first time they have ever seen one on somebody's foot

Seorang perempuan mengaku memiliki sebuah puting susu ekstra di telapak kaki kirinya.

Puting susu tambahan ekstra berusia 22 tahun itu terungkap setelah dia berkonsultasi ke dokter.

Perempuan yang tidak disebutkan identitas dan asal negaranya itu menyatakan puting susu ekstra yang berada di telapak kaki kirinya berdiameter 5,08 sentimeter namun tidak pernah menyebabkan rasa sakit.

Berdasarkan Jurnal Dermatologi California, yang dilansir Dailymail, Selasa (19/7/2011) walaupun satu dari 50 perempuan dan satu dari 100 pria memiliki jaringan payudara ekstra, namun baru kali ini ditemukan puting susu ekstra itu berada di telapak kaki.

Fully-formed: The 22-year-old woman told doctors she has had the nipple all her life. It measures almost two inches across, and doesn't cause her any pain

Fully-formed: The 22-year-old woman told doctors she has had the nipple all her life. It measures almost two inches across, and doesn't cause her any pain

Biasanya puting susu ekstra ini terdapat di bagian tubuh yang masih sejajar dengan payudara, misalnya di dekat ketiak atau punggung. Puting susu ekstra di telapak kaki perempuan tersebut dilengkapi dengan areola dan rambut di sekitar puting.

Lily Allen, Zac Efron, dan Mark Wahlberg adalah para selebriti yang juga memiliki puting susu ekstra.(rhs)

Happy to bare all: Lily Allen proudly shows off her tiny third nipple, on her left breast

Happy to bare all: Lily Allen proudly shows off her tiny third nipple, on her left breast

Former Mark Wahlberg continued filming 'Ted' with Seth MacFarlane on Monday night.

Something in common: But while Mark Wahlberg, right, is proud of his third nipple, Zac Efron has denied claims he has two extra ones on his chest



sumber :http://international.okezone.com/read/2011/07/19/214/481451/seorang-wanita-miliki-puting-di-telapak-kaki