Spectacular: Sunlight is reflected off the moon to create this dazzling arc of colour in the Yosemite National Park

Spectacular: Sunlight is reflected off the moon to create this dazzling arc of colour in the Yosemite National Park

Lengkung warna-warni menakjubkan ini biasa muncul saat siang. Menariknya, pelangi ini muncul di malam hari dan tak semua tempat di Bumi bisa menyaksikan pelangi ini.

Yosemite National Park di California menjadi salah satu tempat terbaik menyaksikan fenomena ini. Sinar matahari yang terpantul dari bulan menerpa titik air di air terjun taman itu.

“Banyak orang tak mengetahui bisa melihat pelangi di malam hari di Yosemite,” ujar Steve Bumgardner yang merekam video pelangi ini.

Jika bulan purnama muncul dan langit cerah, akan ada cukup cahaya untuk menghasilkan pelangi di air terjun Yosemite, lanjutnya. Musim gugur dan panas menjadi saat tepat menikmati spektrum cahaya menakjubkan ini di air terjun Yosemite.

“Yosemite buka 24 jam dan banyak orang berbondong-bondong memburu pelangi itu,” ujar penjaga taman Bob Roney.

Dari malam hingga matahari subuh menyingsing, keindahan pelangi ini tak berakhir, lanjutnya seperti dilaporkan dailymail.

Pelangi ini jelas memiliki rasa romantisme. Berikut video pelangi tersebut. [mor]

Phenomenon: The moonbows are created when light from the moon hits the sprays of water coming off the park's waterfalls

Phenomenon: The moonbows are created when light from the moon hits the sprays of water coming off the park's waterfalls

Captivating: The moonbows are best seen when it is full moon and there is more light being reflected into the park

Captivating: The moonbows are best seen when it is full moon and there is more light being reflected into the park

Starry sky: The moonbow looks incredible in the dark sky filled with stars

Starry sky: The moonbow looks incredible in the dark sky filled with stars

Rare: The Yosemite National Park in California is one of the few places on earth where you can catch a glimpse of the phenomenon

Rare: The Yosemite National Park in California is one of the few places on earth where you can catch a glimpse of the phenomenon

Dazzling: These spectacular images are part of a new video made by the National Park to showcase the phenomenon

Dazzling: These spectacular images are part of a new video made by the National Park to showcase the phenomenon

Catch a glimpse: The remarkable spectrums of lights are best seen at the park during the spring and summer seasons

Catch a glimpse: The remarkable spectrums of lights are best seen at the park during the spring and summer seasons

Attraction: People come from across the globe in the hope of seeing the rare night time rainbows

Attraction: People come from across the globe in the hope of seeing the rare night time rainbows

Gushing: The incredible waterfalls in the Yosemite National Park spray water into the moonlight, which creates the moonbows

Gushing: The incredible waterfalls in the Yosemite National Park spray water into the moonlight, which creates the moonbows

sumber :http://teknologi.inilah.com/read/detail/1709392/menakjubkan-pelangi-muncul-di-malam-hari