Spotted: The unidentified Amazonian tribe were seen in straw-covered 'maloca' huts

Spotted: The unidentified Amazonian tribe were seen in straw-covered 'maloca' huts

Rio De Janeiro – Pemerintah Brasil memastikan keberadaan suku baru tak terjamah di hutan hujan Amazon. Diperkirakan ada 68 populasi terisolasi di sana.

Sebanyak tiga pembukaan lahan besar teridentifikasi satelit. Namun seperti pernyataan National Indian Foundation (Funai), keberadaan populasi itu baru benar-benar terverifikasi setelah pesawat ekspedisi yang terbang April lalu berhasil mengumpulkan data.

Badan pemerintah itu menggunakan pesawat guna menghindari agar tidak menganggu kelompok terisolasi itu. Brasil memiliki kebijakan untuk tidak mengontak suku semacam ini. Gantinya, pemerintah akan berupaya mencegah invasi daerah itu guna melindunginya.

Funai memperkirakan ada 68 populasi terisolasi hidup di Amazon. Suku terbaru yang berhasil diidentifikasi diperkirakan berjumlah 200 individu dan hidup dalam empat gubuk jerami besar dan hidup dari menanam jagung, pisang, kacang dan panen lain.

Untouched by civilisation: The unknown indian tribe are thought to belong to the group sharing the Pano language

Untouched by civilisation: The unknown indian tribe are thought to belong to the group sharing the Pano language

“Mengidentifikasi dan melindungi suku ini merupakan bagian kebijakan umum Brasil. Untuk memastikan suku semacam ini butuh bertahun-tahun penelitian,” ujar koordinator ekspedisi Fabricio Amorim.

Sejauh ini, 11% dari wilayah Brasil dan 22% wilayah Brasil diketahui menjadi tempat hunian bagi suku-suku tak terjamah. [mor]

The community is near the border with Peru in the massive Vale do Javari reservation, which is nearly the size of Portugal and is home to at least 14 uncontacted tribes.

The community is near the border with Peru in the massive Vale do Javari reservation, which is nearly the size of Portugal and is home to at least 14 uncontacted tribes

The group are thought to live on bananas, corn, peanuts and other crops which they grow themselves

The group are thought to live on bananas, corn, peanuts and other crops which they grow themselves

'Lost': The isolated tribe, believed to share the Pano language, have plantations of corn and bananas near their homes

'Lost': The isolated tribe, believed to share the Pano language, have plantations of corn and bananas near their homes

Discovery: The roofs of 'malocas' - huts - are visible above the canopy of the jungle along the Javari River in Brazil

Discovery: The roofs of 'malocas' - huts - are visible above the canopy of the jungle along the Javari River in Brazil